4 tips for managing menopause symptoms
Menopause is a transitional phase that indicates the end of a woman’s menstrual cycle. It is usually observed within and after 12 months of the last menstruation, and its symptoms can last over many months. Menopausal women usually experience symptoms like night sweats, hot and cold flashes, irregular periods, issues with sleep, vaginal dryness, and thinning of bones and hair during this phase. However, menopause and its symptoms can be managed by following these tips: Get adequate sleep Insomnia is a common symptom that most women experience during this phase. Hot flashes, frequent urination, and joint pain are other symptoms that can further disrupt sleep. Here is how one can set up and stick to a sleeping schedule: Consult the doctor, who may recommend hormone replacement therapy (HRT) or mild anti-depressants to help people sleep. Engage in physical activities like aerobics, jogging, and running to induce good sleep and increase your sleep duration. Do not sleep right after dinner. Develop the habit of eating at least two hours before bedtime. Have no more than one or two cups of coffee, tea, chocolate drinks, or cola every day. Caffeine can trigger both hot flashes and night sweats. It is also a natural diuretic that can increase the urge to urinate and disturb your sleep.