7 early warning signs of arthritis
Arthritis is characterized by the tenderness and swelling of one or more joints in the body. Some of the most common types of arthritis include rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. The condition results in multiple symptoms, most of which usually get diagnosed due to other health complications and age. But the symptoms may affect one’s quality of life. So it is imperative to identify the signs early and initiate a treatment plan for managing the condition. Pain in a joint Pain in one or more joints may occur due to certain situations, including injuries or joint overuse. Infections like the flu may also trigger acute pain in certain joint areas. In such situations, acute joint pain comes on quickly and fades away. However, if one develops a symptom out of the ordinary and the pain does not reduce over a period of time, one must get it checked by an expert at the earliest. Pain or aching in a joint that becomes worse over time is a potential sign of arthritis. The pain may be triggered by even mild activity, surface after activity, or following a long day at work. Furthermore, joint pain may also result in tenderness, a painful sensation even if mild pressure is applied to the affected area.