6 cancer signs that worsen with high blood sugar
Like many other health conditions, cancer and its symptoms can worsen due to unhealthy eating habits. Sugary snacks and beverages are some of the key foods to avoid, especially when they contain large amounts of refined sugar. High blood sugar can cause problems like poor blood circulation, vision-related issues, and inflammation while also aggravating the symptoms of cancer. Here are a few signs of cancer that can worsen due to high blood sugar: Issues with bowel movement Cancer adversely affects the digestive and excretory systems. So, one of the earliest signs of cancer is bowel-related issues, including constipation, diarrhea, fecal impaction (a condition in which one defecates dry hard stools), gas, bowel blockage, or a colostomy. Similarly, diabetes and high blood sugar also cause bowel problems. For instance, sugar causes gas by festering and fermenting for too long in the gut. This is because sugar is difficult to digest. Apart from gas, sugar also causes diarrhea by stimulating the gut to release water and electrolytes, both of which loosen up the bowels. As a result, if one has bowel-related issues as a warning sign of cancer, they must lower sugar intake and manage high blood sugar to avoid worsening this symptom.